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About me

- Who am I?
My name is Harash. I'm 19 yrs old and live in Lawrenceville. This is me:
- What are my interests?
Well, I would say I love listening to music although I unfortunately don't play any instruments. I literaly cannot live without listening to music. without listening to music. Then comes my passion for food. I love discovering new dishes from different cultures and trying them out at home. I definitely need to train more my cook skills but I do manage to make great meals for me and my family. Lastly, I recently found myself enjoying hanging out in nearby parks and just relaxing there for a few hours. I also thought of maybe going hiking with friends or by myself.
- What is this website?
Well, I never really had a personal blog before and I feel like this could be a great exercise for me to keep track every week of the progress I make. Plus, there's this could lead to many opportunities like selling some stuff I don't need to whoever wants. Although I have to be honest, it isn't going to be collectibles or anything really valuable. Probably just some random stuff. Another point is I can freely share my passions and interests with people.